Speaking Engagements


Energize, motivate, and educate your next meeting or corporate function. Susan will dynamically emphasize the theme and focus of your meeting, conference or event.

Susan's unique combination of skills, as a speaker & entertainer, give her the ability to use humor, and audience participation to completely involve the audience in the experience.


Susan is a speaker who will truly "connect" with your group. Each person in your audience will feel she is speaking personally to them.

Sample topics:
Inspiration, Adventure & Sport Motivation, Teamwork & Leadership


Aboriginal Inclusiveness Embraced at St.Benedict Elementary

United Way recognizes the work done by St.Benedict Elementary school in embracing Aboriginal culture during it's 2010 Spirits of Gold Awards. Featuring Susan Auch, four time Olympian.


2010 Spirits of Gold Award of Excellence

Susan Auch, four time Olympian, discusses the 2010 winner of the Spirits of Gold Award of Excellence, Bantrel. Bantrel, in their United Way campaign, donated well over their projected amount.